Our Cybersecurity Solutions


IT Security and Private Cloud Infrastructure

Deploy your AI Strategy or your corporate data infrastructure within a private cloud deployment, break the dependancy to the worldwide duopoly

Only Services / Recurring Contract
  • A solution for disaster recovery, backups or isolate your data for big inraestructure providers such as Amazon or Google
  • White label delivery and pay only for processing (GPU´s available) and memory, no wide-band charges or others
  • (Optional) Hosted in a first class data center only paying for real estate and backup services, electricity, batteries (UPCs), security access and certifications
  • Demonstrated savings versus large infrastructure providers such as Amazon and Google
  • "In-country" compliance of your data for specific regulations
  • Ideal solution for AI implementation for large corporations and government agencies

Purple Room Engagement and Consulting Services

Let us act, on your behalf, as a Purple Team to grasp your security level and design the best security strategy for your AI deployment

Only Services / Bag of hours or Recurring contract
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Vulnerability Analysis
  • Pentesting
  • Forensic Audits
  • Incident Response
  • Malware Analysis
  • SOC or NOC Outsourcing
  • AI and Cybersecurity Consulting
  • AI and Cybersecurity Training
  • Give us the opportunity to assess how ready you are for a secure AI implementation

Real Time 360 Threat Prevetion, Containment and Reaction

A 360 threat real time security solution to have complete visibility of your data infrastructure and communications

Products and/or Services / Recurring Contract
  • Endpoint protection, includes mobile, servers and laptops
  • Design for cases where detections fails
  • Non detection technology and final point visibility
  • Anti encryption
  • SIEM and SOAR
  • Threat context and intelligence